

I believe that eating healthy is something everyone can manage and enjoy. I believe in the big picture, getting enough fruits, vegetables and whole grains without too much salt, sugar or fat. And no, we cannot live without an allowance for chocolate (or your preferred dietary vice) as long as its not too often. In this blog I hope to share some ideas, recipes and methods to make eating a balanced diet easier, whether you are cooking for one, or for a family of six.

I believe that extreme diets, detoxes and short term 'lose weight fast' schemes do more harm than good. Far more is achieved by making small changes to diet and lifestyle which can be maintained for life. I think that the food industry, through advertising and labelling, have a lot to answer for, and is in need of tighter regulation. In the mean time people need to be educated to see through the smoke and mirrors of food packaging.

Working a healthy diet into a busy life can be done, and there are solutions out there to help. I like seeking these out and will share on my blog tricks to get kids into eating and liking vegetables, tips for saving money by reducing waste, and most of all time saving cooking shortcuts for busy people.

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